This website is designed and developed by beneficiaries of Blossom Trust’s I.T. Student, studied from Unicom TIC.  |  All content and photos on this site are for viewing only. Reproduction without permission is prohibited.  |  100% of donations directly benefit children, as we cover our travel costs
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Ad-Hoc Community Well Projects

Blossom Trust has improved water access in several rural villages, constructing community wells with pump facilities to address drinking water shortages and support agricultural activities. These initiatives have resolved water issues, enabling villagers to sustain their crops and agricultural income.

Sandilipay Hindu College Project

Blossom Trust collaborated with the alumni of Sandilipay Hindu College to enhance the school's infrastructure and support its educational and cultural initiatives. With alumni sponsorship, the Trust successfully coordinated structural repairs, cultural programs, and sports events between 2021 and 2023

Provision supply for underprivileged (2023)

Blossom Trust partnered with the Figg Marsh Cricket Group (UK) to provide essential dry provisions to underprivileged families in Batticaloa. In collaboration with the Batticaloa Samurdhi Director, supplies were distributed to 79 low-income families registered under the Samurdhi government scheme.

Houses for disadvantaged families (2021)

Blossom Trust, inspired by a sponsor’s request, initiated a project to provide essential housing facilities for underprivileged families. Through diligent investigations, the project aimed to enhance the beneficiaries’ well-being by offering proper shelter and support for a better future.

Adhoc Remembrance Day Food Donation to Orphanages (2021 & 2022)

Blossom Trust supports well-wishers in honoring their loved ones by facilitating food parcel donations to care homes of their choice. We also organize special prayers and meals for orphans and care homes as a heartfelt tribute to cherished memories.

Independent Age, 18 Avonmore Rd, London, W14 8RR
020 7605 4200
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