Ad-Hoc Community Well Projects - Ernakulam Village
Ernakulam village is about 30 kms to the west of Batticaloa District, which consists of 150 acres of
agricultural lands. About 22 families do farming for 7 months in a year and 10 families are
permanently living in that area.
A nearby natural pond is the only water resource for their agriculture, drinking and day-to-day needs.
The pond is water sufficient for only 30% of agricultural land, and not suitable for drinking purposes,
which has caused several health issues for the 22 families in the area.
Blossom Trust reviewed their requirements and consulted with district officers to construct a
community well with a pump facility. The well was completed before the 2020’s monsoon which has
resolved the drinking water facility for the whole village and assisted them in harvesting their crops in
a timely manner, which has allowed them to sustain their agricultural income.