This website is designed and developed by beneficiaries of Blossom Trust’s I.T. Student, studied from Unicom TIC.  |  All content and photos on this site are for viewing only. Reproduction without permission is prohibited.  |  100% of donations directly benefit children, as we cover our travel costs

Ad-Hoc Community Well Projects - Korravelli Vattavan

Koraveli, Vattavan village belongs to Koralipattu division, south of Batticaloa District. The local ponds and rivers provide water facilities for the cultivation. During summer, farmers struggle for drinking water and unable to continue their agricultural activities due lack of water in ponds and salty nature of river.
Blossom Trust reviewed the villagers requirements and consulted with district officers to construct a community well with a pump facility. The well has resolved the drinking water issue and assisted them in harvesting their crops in a timely manner

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Independent Age, 18 Avonmore Rd, London, W14 8RR
020 7605 4200
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