This website is designed and developed by beneficiaries of Blossom Trust’s I.T. Student, studied from Unicom TIC.  |  All content and photos on this site are for viewing only. Reproduction without permission is prohibited.  |  100% of donations directly benefit children, as we cover our travel costs

English Language Support (2015)

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Extreme post-war poverty in Vanni, Sri Lanka caused a great suffering in the livelihood of the people, which can especially be seen in the current quality of education and communication. School children faced a great set-back in developing their linguistic skills. Blossom Trust teamed up with a local charity to run a six-month English Language Program in several villages in Vanni District for children aged between 8 and 11 years. A monthly workshop for children was also held in topics including Dialogue, composing poems, playing dramas and narration of stories

Love in Every Frame

Independent Age, 18 Avonmore Rd, London, W14 8RR
020 7605 4200
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