This website is designed and developed by beneficiaries of Blossom Trust’s I.T. Student, studied from Unicom TIC.  |  All content and photos on this site are for viewing only. Reproduction without permission is prohibited.  |  100% of donations directly benefit children, as we cover our travel costs

Sencholai Library Project (2015)

Home -Accomplishments

The Sencholai home for children in Kilinochi accommodates 150 girls of all ages providing shelter, food, and education. It is a place where orphaned children can live in harmony under the guidance of a committed group of staff.
In 2016 Blossom Trust co-sponsored the building of a library in Sencholai to enhance the educational needs of these children.

Love in Every Frame

Independent Age, 18 Avonmore Rd, London, W14 8RR
020 7605 4200
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