This website is designed and developed by beneficiaries of Blossom Trust’s I.T. Student, studied from Unicom TIC.  |  All content and photos on this site are for viewing only. Reproduction without permission is prohibited.  |  100% of donations directly benefit children, as we cover our travel costs

Sandilipay Hindu College Project

Home -Sponser Projects

The alumni of Sandilipay Hindu College has approached Blossom to assist on improving the school standards to facilitate better education and cultural programs. With sponsored support of Alumni of Sandilipay Hindu College, Blossom Trust have co-ordinated and completed the following projects.

In 2021, they needed structural repairs to school to provide safe and improved facilities, inaddition to a Gateway Arch to enhance the security of the school.

In 2022, College was struggling to run their annual cultural program, which was co-ordinated and supported through Blossom Trust.

In 2023, Trust assisted to run their annual cultural and sports program.

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020 7605 4200
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