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Providing Toilet Facilities for Tuition Centre (2022)

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Sri Aathi Manikkappillaiyar Aarnery School is started in 2011 in Chenkalady, Srilanka with a purpose of providing moral education and academic support for the local communities.
They provide moral classes for primary school students on Sundays and Academic free tuitions classes in Tamil, English, Mathematics, Science and History for O Level students during weekday’s evening. The centre is attended by about 32 boys, 53 girls and 10 teachers. Blossom Trust assisted the school by funding toilet facilities as the students and teachers were struggling without basic toilet facility. Blossom Trust investigated their needs and constructed two separate toilet facilities for male and female.

Love in Every Frame

Independent Age, 18 Avonmore Rd, London, W14 8RR
020 7605 4200
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